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A Typology of Clean Technology Commercialization Accelerators. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management . 32:26-39.
Trees, thickets, or something in between? Recent theoretical and empirical work in cultural phylogeny Israeli Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 59:45-61.
Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday: Changes in stress axis function across women's reproductive transitions. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology.
Timing of fusion of the ischiopubic ramus from dry bone observations. HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 64(6):454–462. Abstract
On thin ice: problems with Stanford and Bradley’s proposed Solutrean colonisation of North America. Antiquity. 88(340):622-624.
Their Works Do Follow Them: The Archaeology of New England Gravestones. Invited paper. Association for Gravestone Studies.
Testing models of early Paleoindian colonization and adaptation using cladistics. Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Some Fundamental Issues and Case Studies. :59-76.