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Divergent patterns of diversification in courtship and genitalic characters of Timema walking-sticks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23(7):1399-1411. Abstract
Diametric gene-dosage effects as windows into neurogenetic architecture. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 23:143-151.
Developmental heterochrony and the evolution of autistic perception, cognition and behavior. BMC Medicine. 11:119.
Does “The Extrinsic Risk Hypothesis” explain cross-cultural variation in age at introduction of transitional foods? Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology.
Does the correlation between Schmorl's nodes and vertebral morphology extend into the lumbar spine? American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 157:526-534.
Does size matter? The ICRW and the inclusion of small cetaceans. Transnational Environmental Law . 3:241-263.
Do Transmission Isolating Mechanisms (TRIMS) influence cultural evolution? Evidence from patterns of textile diversity within and between Iranian tribal groups Understanding Cultural Transmission: A Critical Synthesis. :148-164.
Development of language through shared intentionality and categorization. Proceedings of the Evolution of Language X conference, Vienna, Austria. :543-545.