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Investigating the peopling of North America through cladistic analyses of early Paleoindian projectile points. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 26(3):366-393. Abstract
Phenetics, cladistics, and the search for the Alaskan ancestors of the Paleoindians: a reassessment of relationships among the Clovis, Nenana, and Denali archaeological complexes. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35(6):1683-1694. Abstract
Testing models of early Paleoindian colonization and adaptation using cladistics. Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Some Fundamental Issues and Case Studies. :59-76.
An assessment of the impact of resharpening on Paleoindian projectile point blade shape using geometric morphometric techniques. New Perspectives on Old Stones: Analytical Approaches to Paleolithic Technologies. :255-273.
A geometric morphometrics-based assessment of blade shape differences among Paleoindian projectile point types from western North America.. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37(2):350-359. Abstract
Niche construction and the toolkits of hunter-gatherers and food producers. Biological Theory. 6:251-259. Abstract
Points and prey: an evaluation of the hypothesis that prey size predicts early Paleoindian projectile point form. Journal of Archaeological Science. 38:852-864. Abstract
What drives the evolution of hunter-gatherer subsistence technology? A reanalysis of the risk hypothesis with data from early contact era populations in the Pacific Northwest. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 366:1129-1138.
An assessment of the impact of hafting on Paleoindian point variability. PLoS ONE. 7(5):1-7(e36364). Abstract
Cultural Cladistics and the Early Prehistory of North America. Evolutionary Biology: Mechanisms and Trends. :23-42.
Niche construction and the toolkits of hunter-gatheres and food producers. Biological Theory. 6:251-258.
New evidence on Neandertal use of fire: Examples from Roc de Marsal and Pech de l'Aze IV. Quaternary International. 247:325-340. Abstract
A morphometric assessment of the intended function of cached Clovis points. PLoS ONE. 7(2):1-13(e30530). Abstract
Risk of Resource Failure and Toolkit Variation in Small-Scale Farmers and Herders. PLoS ONE. 7(7):e40975.
Between- and within-individual variability in first morning urinary cortisol in pre-pubertal children: Potential explanatory variables. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Conference.
Modern human origins. A Companion to Paleoanthropology.
Mothers’ peri-conceptional cortisol levels and their children’s postnatal stress reactivity. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Conference.
Population size and cultural evolution in nonindustrial food-producing societies. PLoS ONE. 8:e72628.
Population size as an explanation for patterns in the Paleolithic archaeological record: more caution is needed.. Current Anthropology. 54(S8):S388-S396.
Trees, thickets, or something in between? Recent theoretical and empirical work in cultural phylogeny Israeli Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 59:45-61.
A prehispanic Maya pit oven? Microanalysis of fired clay balls from the Puuc region, Yucatan, Mexico Journal of Archaeological Science. 40(2):1144–1157. Abstract
Geoarchaeological investigations at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science. 20(9):3432–3452. Abstract
Risk, mobility, or population size? Drivers of technological richness among contact-period western North American hunter–gatherers Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 368(1630):20120412. Abstract
Continent-wide or region specific? A geometric morphometrics-based assessment of variation in Clovis point shape Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 6(2):145-162.
On the cutting edge: New methods and theory for analyzing stone tools. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews . 23(4):128-129.