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An assessment of the impact of hafting on Paleoindian point variability. PLoS ONE. 7(5):1-7(e36364). Abstract
An assessment of the impact of resharpening on Paleoindian projectile point blade shape using geometric morphometric techniques. New Perspectives on Old Stones: Analytical Approaches to Paleolithic Technologies. :255-273.
Between- and within-individual variability in first morning urinary cortisol in pre-pubertal children: Potential explanatory variables. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Conference.
Continent-wide or region specific? A geometric morphometrics-based assessment of variation in Clovis point shape Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 6(2):145-162.
Cultural Cladistics and the Early Prehistory of North America. Evolutionary Biology: Mechanisms and Trends. :23-42.
On the cutting edge: New methods and theory for analyzing stone tools. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews . 23(4):128-129.
Early Levallois technology and the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition in the Southern Caucasus. Science. 345(6204):1609-1613. Abstract
Early Levallois technology and the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition in the Southern Caucasus. Science. 345:1609-1613.
Epiphyseal fusion in Pan troglodytes relative to dental age. . American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 157:19-29.
Evidence for the repeated use of a central hearth at Middle Pleistocene (300 ky ago) Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science . 44:12-21.
Evidence for the repeated use of a central hearth at Middle Pleistocene (300 ky ago) Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science. 44:12–21. Abstract
The evolutionary biology of human neurodevelopment: Evo-neuro-devo comes of age. Evolutionary Developmental Anthropology.
Geoarchaeological investigations at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science. 20(9):3432–3452. Abstract
A geometric morphometrics-based assessment of blade shape differences among Paleoindian projectile point types from western North America.. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37(2):350-359. Abstract
Holocene human interaction and adaptation to geological and climatic changes in the Lower Mainland, Fraser Canyon, and Coast Mountain area of British Columbia: A geoarchaeological view.. Trials and Tribulations of Life on an Active Subduction Zone: Field Trips in and around Vancouver, Canada: Geological Society of America Field Guide. 38:53-77.
Innovation and cultural transmission in the American Paleolithic: Phylogenetic analysis of eastern Paleoindian projectile point classes. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology . 34:100-119.
An Integrated Approach to Studying Multiplexity in Entrepreneurial Networks. Entrepreneurship Research Journal . 4(4):367-402.
Investigating the peopling of North America through cladistic analyses of early Paleoindian projectile points. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 26(3):366-393. Abstract
Levantine cranium from Manot Cave (Israel) foreshadows the first European modern humans.. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature14134
Modern human origins. A Companion to Paleoanthropology.
A morphometric assessment of the intended function of cached Clovis points. PLoS ONE. 7(2):1-13(e30530). Abstract
Mothers’ peri-conceptional cortisol levels and their children’s postnatal stress reactivity. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Conference.
New evidence on Neandertal use of fire: Examples from Roc de Marsal and Pech de l'Aze IV. Quaternary International. 247:325-340. Abstract
Niche construction and the toolkits of hunter-gatherers and food producers. Biological Theory. 6:251-259. Abstract
Niche construction and the toolkits of hunter-gatheres and food producers. Biological Theory. 6:251-258.